Watch everything carefully
And if what you see, you don’t understand
It’s not the world’s fault
It’s yours, just yours.

Watch everything carefully
And if what you see, you don’t understand
It’s not the world’s fault
It’s yours, just yours.
Do not write for people,
They either will understand or not,
There is only one who understands You
And this is the Creator God.
It’s morning, I’m awake.
I’m again whom I have to be.
I have left in my dreams
The one and lovely myself.
Everyone has a secret knowledge,
One knows it, does not the other.
If You don’t afraid of the truth,
Get to know who You really are,
To open Your Self, the very inner,
Close Your eyes, and tell a prayer.
Accept everything
As it is. The change
Will come anyway.
Look for a moment,
One minute, one word, one sentence,
Find the missing piece
And grasp the completeness.
I’ve listened to everything,
I saw sunlight and darkness.
I’ve listened to the rain and the silence,
But the secret remained a secret, unsolved,
And that’s fine.
If you think Your life
Is under Your control,
Don’t be too self-confident,
After all, even your dreams
Come from far,
Come from someone else.
Write something every day
To Yourself and to the world,
You will be wiser and better,
And will be the part of eternity.
The animals decided to play hiding. They rarely have time to play, but now they’ve got it.
They all hid themselves, in carefully selected, excellent hiding places. Then they waited.
After a while, as nothing happened, they realized that they had again forgotten to choose a seeker, so there was no one to find them. Because they didn’t want to simply come out, they waited.
Fortunately, the badger just finished his afternoon nap, came out of his lair and looked around. Being individualist, he hated hide-and-seek, and being intelligent, not seeing any animal in the woods, and as the silence was great, he realized that the others were playing hide-and-seek, and they hadn’t chosen a seeker again.
He sighed a big one, then began to find them unhurriedly.